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Elephant Seals at Drakes Beach Social Pace 37-72 miles (Billy)
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About this event
Ride with Billy Farrer to Drakes Beach. If we get lucky we'll spot a group or a rookery of Elephant Seals. Also check out the new snack bar near the Kenneth C. Patrick Visitors Center. The beach is currently closed to better protect the elephant seal families but if they are lying around you can view them from the parking lot.
Start: Meet 8:45AM/Roll 9AM***PLEASE READ THE DEPARTURE TIMES & LOCATIONS CAREFULLY. Choose the distance you want and please adhere to the departure time and location.***
Location: Pink Owl Coffees 2nd Street/ Java Hut/ San Geronimo/ Olema
Route: Drakes Beach from Pink Owl Base Route 72 miles
This ride departs from Pink Owl Coffees 2nd Street at 9AM and will pick up riders from Java Hut mile marker 3, San Geronimo Golf Course drive way mile marker 8 and Olema bottom of the hill at the parking lot mile marker 18.5.
Here are the approximate departure times. Billy will swing in and pick up riders. Please be ready to roll:
9:00 AM Pink Owl Coffees 2nd Street (total distance 72 miles)
9:12 AM Java Hut, mile 3.0 (total distance 66 miles)
9:35 AM San Geronimo Golf Course, mile 8.1 (total distance 56 miles)
10:20 AM Olema mile 18.1 (total distance 37 miles)
Fun Facts About Elephant Seals
*Only the male elephant seals have a large nose or Proboscis which is used to reabsorb body moisture, establish territory and sound out their communications to eachother
*They are the largest fin footed animals. The males (bulls) can reach 14-16 ft in length and weigh 3,000-5,000 lbs while the females (cows) 9-12 ft and 900-1,800 lbs
*There are 2 types of Elephant Seals, the northern variety that swims in the warmer waters of the Pacific from Canada to Mexico, and the southern lot that stays in the very cold waters of Antarctica
*Every year for up to 2 months out of the year Elephant Seals gather at beaches and rocks along the shoreline to molt, shed their skin and hair to reveal the new growth underneath; this keeps their coat healthy. They need to be on land so that their blood will circulate to the surface of the skin to accelerate the process. They fast during this molting period
*For the other 10 months of the year these exceptionally adept divers and swimmers live and feed in the ocean. They plunge down as far as 5,000' feet for up to 2hrs at a time and only come up for air for 3-4 minutes. The females feed on squids and octopus in the deep ocean while the males feast on small sharks, stingrays and bottom feeding fishes at shallower depths
Source: Super Teacher Worksheets, When is an elephant not an elephant? When it's a seal, of course by Mikki Sadil
Pink Owl Coffee 2nd Street (not the one on 4th Street)
1816 2nd St.
San Rafael, CA 94901
(415) 870-9934
Registration Info
Registration is required
Ride Info:
- If you’re not a member, we’d love to have you join us!
- Please ride with Day Time Running Lights
- Be safe! Ride single file, sound off when cars are passing.
- Regroup on hills, try to stay together
- Have fun, make a friend.
Registration cancellations will be accepted
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