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HomeCalendar*RAIN CANCELLATION*Sunny Side Up! *Marinwood* 35mi/+2,200' Social Pace (Helen) -- CANCELED

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*RAIN CANCELLATION*Sunny Side Up! *Marinwood* 35mi/+2,200' Social Pace (Helen) -- CANCELED

About this event

Time:  Meet 9:45AM/Roll 10AM
Location: Marinwood Community Center 775 Miller Creek Rd, San Rafael CA
Pace: Social Pace 12.5-13.9 mph average speed
Route: Marinwood, Big Rock, Nicasio, Cheese Factory, Miwok Park bathroom/water stop, Eucalyptus, Mill, Wilson, Indian Valley, Sunset Pkwy, Ignacio, Alameda Del Prado, Miller Creek Rd back to the start.  Route Map  

Sunny side up Sunday!  We'll keep the pace steady and social to ease into the morning.  We'd love for you to ride with us at the group's pace.  If you wish to ride way slower or faster, please kindly have the route downloaded or printed beforehand.  Leave from your home and meet us at the start to pile on some miles.  Not a beginners' ride.  Please be self-sufficient.  Have your bike in good maintenance.  Know how to fix a flat and perform light repairs in case you become separated from the group.  So what do you say?  Members and non members welcome!  Please pre-register for the ride.

Regroups and stops:
*quick stop at Miwok Park
*at leader's discretion

Date and Time

Sunday, December 29, 2024, 9:45 AM until 1:00 PM


Marinwood Community Center
775 Miller Creek Road
San Rafael, CA  94903

Additional Info


Helen Kwong
Ride pacer
4152979845 (p)



Registration Info

Registration is not Required
-All riders must register to ride, members and non-members
-20% or more chance of rain cancels the ride
-Must wear a helmet
-Please make sure your bike is in good maintenance
-Bring spare tube(s), mini pump/C02, or tubeless repair kit as necessary
-Day time running lights are highly recommended
-Please download the route to your bike computer or print out a route sheet