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Split Rock Fairfax Rollers Multi Levels 50mi/65mi (Nigel, Roger, Juan)
About this event
2 route options to start the ride off with our regular Saturday group from Split Rock Tap & Wheel. Brisk Pace folks are welcome to ride either route!
Social Pace 50 miles/+2,800' with the Dynamic Duo, Nigel & Roger: (avg pace 12.9-14.0 mph for the entire ride) Warm up on Whites Hill, then silky smooth Samuel P. Taylor Park, Olema Hill and finally, up the 350 footer on Sir. Francis Drake up to Pierce Pt. Road. Return through Pt. Reyes Station. Get a little coffee/snack break. Back on the saddle you go and you only have 20 miles back to Split Rock for beers. ***Not a beginner ride. Mostly rolling terrain. NOT A NO-DROP ride. If you plan on riding way faster or slower than the average pace please provide your own navigation. Legend & Ride Pacing Ride Leaders will regroup as necessary.***
50 Miles course map
Moderate Pace 65 miles/+4,100' with Juan Pommier: (avg pace 14-16 mph for the entire ride) Same as the Social Pace route but longer. After passing Pierce Pt. Road at mile 23 continue on Sir Francis Drake all the way. This west bound portion of SFD is MUCH harder than it looks. It's usually windy out there; the 200-300 footer hills will feel like 10-14% climbs. Bonus, there might be a few elephant seals lying around out on Drake Beach. ***Not a beginners ride. Hilly Rating. There are no ride sweeps for this route. If you plan on riding way slower/faster than the average pace then please provide your own navigation.*** Legend & Ride Pacing
65 Miles course map
Split Rock Tap and Wheel
2020 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Fairfax, CA 94930
Registration Info
Registration is required
Ride Info:
- If you’re not a member, we’d love to have you join us!
- Please ride with Day Time Running Lights
- Be safe! Ride single file, sound off when cars are passing.
- Regroup on hills, try to stay together
- Have fun, make a friend.
Invalid Quantity
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