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HomeCalendarJuly Fitness Multi Levels 53mi/58 mi (Helen, David S + Juan)

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July Fitness Multi Levels 53mi/58 mi (Helen, David S + Juan)

Location: Split Rock Tap and Wheel in Fairfax
Time: Meet 8:30AM/Roll 8:45AM
Groups:   Social AB Pace  53mi/+3,400' with Helen Kwong
               Moderate B Pace  58 mi/+3,800' with David Snaith & Juan Pommier
               Brisk C Pace or faster (either route) participant led

2 Rolling routes with just enough climbing to give you a satisfying work out.

Riding along with the ride leaders at the set group pace is recommended.  Alternatively you may wish to modify the route and ride it faster or slower; must provide your own navigation.  Find a riding buddy along the way and roll together.

Social Pace 53 mi Route White's Hill, Olema puncher, Tomales Bay rollers for days and then a final slow & steady burn back up to White's Hill and drop on down back home to Fairfax.  Hilly rating: + 63.56 vertical ft. per mile overall elevation gain.   You know this route well!

Moderate Pace 58 mi Route Same route as Social Pace with the added Marshall Wall climb and then back on Pt. Reyes Petaluma Rd section.  Hilly rating: + 64.59 vertical ft. per mile overall elevation gain.  

Brisk Pace folks: pick one of the routes and floor it.  Drop back and regroup with us or not.  

Suggested Regroups:
*San Geronimo Golf Course
*Samuel P. Taylor Park Entrance 1st bathrooms
*Point Reyes Station bathrooms on Mesa Rd mi
*Marshall Store for the Moderate Pace route
*Nicasio porta potties (last bathroom, water stop)

Not a beginners ride.  Please ride well within your abilities.  You should be able to comfortably ride 60 miles at the published overall pace.  Please make sure your bike is in good repair.  Bring spare tubes, multi tool, tubeless repair kit, CO2 cartridges or frame pump as applicable.  You will be far away from cycling shops and it might take a while to arrange for a pick up by car.

Saturday, July 6, 2024, 8:30 AM
Split Rock Tap and Wheel
2020 Sir Francis Drake Blvd
Fairfax, CA  94930

Additional Info:
Helen Kwong
Social AB Pace Ride Leader
4152979845 (p)
David Snaith
Moderate B Pace Ride Leader II
5106724530 (p)
Juan Pommier
Moderate B Pace Ride Leader
7143973060 (p)
Multi Levels
Registration is required
Payment In Full In Advance Only
- If you’re not a member, we’d love to have you join us!
- Be safe! Ride single file, sound off when cars are passing
- Please share the road; ride to the right as practicable
- On trafficked roads please make room for cars to duck into
- Regroup on hills, try to stay together
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Saturday, July 6, 2024 at 7:00 AM
Activities/Items    (Click the down-arrow to the left of the activity/item to view the details)
Social AB Pace 53 miles with Helen
Moderate B Pace 58 miles with David S + Juan