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HomeCalendarGeysers from Geyserville Park & Ride 47mi/+4,400' (Jan Lau)

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Geysers from Geyserville Park & Ride 47mi/+4,400' (Jan Lau)

About this event

✺ Time: Meet 9:30AM; Roll 9:45AM
Location: Geyserville Park & Ride Lot (Map) Highway 128/Remmel Rd, Geyserville CA, 95441
Description: A beautiful ride in Geyserville/Cloverdale with significant amounts of climbing and some steep pitches.  Ride along Asti Rd to Geysers Rd.  The main event of the day is a 9.5 miles ascent to the 2,700' summit.  15%-20% gradient pitches starting from mile marker 24.8 to 25.2.  There are small sections of hard packed gravel road at the beginning of Geysers road that are approximately 50 yards in length each.  The total elevation gain for the day is +4,400' with the first 24 miles being rolling terrain.  Geysers Road runs alongside Big Sulphur Creek and makes for a climb with truly incredible views with nearly zero traffic.  Jan will be riding at a social pace, approx. 11-12 mph average for the entire ride including the climbs. Route Map 
Moderate and Brisk Pace:  Faster or experienced riders should download the route and be self sufficient. There is limited cell reception in the area. Bring adequate water as there is no place to refill until back at start. There will be regroups as needed, but the main one will be at mile 23, right before the steep climbing begins
Notes: Not a Beginners Ride. Very Hilly Rating/+93.8' elevation gain per mile.  Brakes MUST be in good working order for the descents.  Please bring adequate onboard food and drink.  Your bike should be in good repair as there are no bike shops nearby for most of the route.  Please be self sufficient; have bike maintenance tools with you and know how to repair a flat.

Date and Time

Saturday, March 29, 2025, 9:30 AM


Geyserville Park & Ride (Hwy 128/Remmel Rd. 1 block East of Geyserville Ave. next to RR tracks
Sonoma Park & Ride Info
Highway 128 and Remmel Rd
Geyserville, CA  95441

Additional Info


Jan Lau
Ride Leader
707-480-9441 (p)

Susan Nawbary
Admin II
5104102075 (c)

Helen Kwong
4152979845 (p)



Registration Info

Registration is required
Ride Info:
- If you’re not a member, we’d love to have you join us!
- Please ride with Day Time Running Lights
- Be safe! Ride single file, sound off when cars are passing.
- Regroup on hills, try to stay together
- Have fun, make a friend.
Registration cancellations will be accepted

Number of People Who Will Attend

Non-Members *
(No Fee)
* This can be your primary registrant type. Only one primary registrant type is allowed per registration.
Register Now