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Celebrate Mustard Bloom Season: Napa, Atlas Peak Rd plus, St. Helena Multi 58 mi/+3,400' (Margie)
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About this event
The humble but indispensable Mustard flowers will be in full view during mid to late February. Mustard blooms are quite spectacular as they blanket the fields in bright mustard yellow. This multi purpose little plant is central to the Sonoma County wine making industry. Vintners plant Mustard as a cover crop to prevent soil erosion, improve soil structure, recycle nitrogen and other vital nutrients, encourage bees and other beneficial insects pollination, control weeds and pests, and suppress the population of nematodes, a microscopic worm that can attack the vine roots and lead to vine decline. Mustard contains high levels of naturally occurring biofumigants, glucosinolates and isothiocyanates. After the bloom, bud break occurs in which the farmers till the mustard plant to fully incorporate it into the soil and let it get to work.
Meet: Trancas Street Park & Ride Lot 9:15AM/Roll at 9:30 AM **There are no public restrooms nearby at the Trancas Street Park & Ride Lot start. The closest restroom is at a Starbucks across the street. Map
Ride with Margie Baer at a Moderate Pace (approx 13.9 mph-15.9 mph average speed for the entire route) or at your own pace; please have the route downloaded or have a turn by turn cue sheet with you at all times. Start from Trancas Street, Silverado Trail, Hardman Avenue to Atlas Peak Road. Climb all the way to the top or as far as you feel like; turn around at any point. Then descend down the hill back the way you came and continue north on Silverado Trail until mile 39.2, Pope Street. From here the route heads west to St. Helena downtown; your choice of Sunshine Foods on 1115 Main Street or Model Bakery on 1315 N. Main Street for a brief lunch stop; public restroom + water fountain on Money Way near the 2 lunch stops. We'll continue mostly along Hwy 29 south through Rutherford, Oakville, Yountville and get on the Napa Valley Vine Trail back to the start. The route is mostly flat after the Atlas Peak climb. Overall, 58.2 miles, +3,379' for the full Atlas Peak Rd experience.
Social Pace folks: Leaderless style.Ride the base route; climb as much of Atlas Peak Road as you feel like. You can wait for the main group to come back down and bike together with them OR find a small grouping that rides your speed and off you go on the full route or take one of the cross over roads to the Hwy 29 side.
Brisk Pace folks: Same Base route. This pace group will be leaderless. Please provide your own navigation. Climb as much of Atlas Peak Road as you like. Regroup, or not. Fall back with Margie's group or ride in small pods.
Regroups as necessary: Mostly likely at the top of Atlas Peak Road where it's safe to duck into; Sunshine Foods/Model Bakery/Public restrooms on Money Way in St. Helena downtown at mile 40.2; Yountville Park public restrooms at mile 50.7.
Registration Info
Registration is required
>20% Chance of Rain Cancels
Please register whether you are a member or not
Day time running lights are highly recommended
Please try to arrange carpools
Make a new friend
Call out hazards
Signal your intentions
Please share the road; ride single file
On narrow shoulder road, leave room for cars to duck into
***Meet at 9:15 am, Roll at 9:30 am***
Registration cancellations will be accepted
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